
Psychoeducation in Lapinou Lapina


This is what makes our Daycare special

In Quebec, psychoeducation in childcare is obscure. This is what makes Lapinou Lapin special. Psychoeducators are situated in childcare settings and accompany children and staff members on a daily basis.


Psychoeducation is an intervention approach that aims to restore and develop the adaptive capacities of the person living with difficulties in order to return to equilibrium and optimal adaptation within their environment.


The psychoeducator in our Daycare environment works with children who have a several kinds difficulties  (in terms of behavior, language, integration, development, etc.). Psychoeducators are skilled at constructing a happy living environment as a whole. They take into consideration the child who is at the center, in constant interaction with his environment (parents, daycare, etc.). When assessing a situation, they pay attention to the conditions of the environment, the resources, challenges of the staff, the strengths and challenges of the children and are able to predict a prognosis. They also excel in their knowledge of child development and utilise the most relevant interventions.


In Lapinou Lapina Daycare psychoeducators are trained to apply the intervention plans, developed by the professionals, to the children. They support children within their group to enable them to be well integrated. They also ensure periods of stimulation of development meet their inividual needs (motor sphere, language, etc.). The work of our psychoeducators is complementary to that of educators.